Click here to get my "Nerve Stop" Technique and to get onto my insider AUTHENTIC GAME newsletter. Many people think attracting women works by showing women you're attracted to them by doing nice things for them and women will just feel attraction back. Other people say that to attract women you need to be a jerk or bad boy because that is the real way to attract women. But nobody seems to talk about the powerful social mechanism that's causing a lot of men who try the "nice guy" way to attract a girl by being a super nice guy to end up lonely and wondering why (despite all their obvious efforts to show why they are the best man for the girl they like) the girl just doesn't seem to "feel any attraction". And a lot of guys who go with the "bad boy" approach to attract women end up alienating the women they want to attract the most. In this video Stephan Erdman from is explaining the real underlying reason why being overly nice to a girl you're attracted to in will often destroy attraction that might well have developed if you hadn't made any extra effort or bought her those flowers or took her out to fancy places or called her 5 times a day or all the other things men often do to show a girl they "like" her... Being a "jerk" (whatever that's meant to be) is certainly not the answer..but in the video Stephan gives several precise tips to avoid ever making the crucial mistake of putting reciprocation pressure on a woman so that she can ...
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