Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Islam: A word to rioting Muslims


Indo Hijabers

We don't care if you're offended, and we never will. Get used to it. US warns citizens not to travel to Pakistan Al-Qaeda threatens attacks on US diplomats US ambassador and three staff killed in film protest Fatwa issued against "Innocence of Muslims" film producer Turkish PM thinks Islamophobia is a crime against humanity Pakistan calls in the army to control riot at US embassy Pakistan declares holiday in response to prophet film You can download an audio version of this video at Subscribe via iTunes at BOOK OF VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS AVAILABLE ALSO AVAILABLE ON AMAZON KINDLE AND IN iBOOKS Follow me on Twitter Website

I Love Hijab

J P Asked: Liberals: Is it legitimate to profile Muslims or people from Muslim countries for security reasons?

The vast majority of Muslims in the world are not terrorists. However, most terrorism in the recent past is attributable to Muslims. Is it fair to profile and subject Muslims or people from Muslim countries to greater security precautions based on this fact? Why or why not? I am especially interested in the viewpoints of Liberals on this issue. Thank you.

Best answer about Liberals: Is it legitimate to profile Muslims or people from Muslim countries for security reasons?:

Answer by Phil M
I wouldn't be against looking into their travel logs/records and background. But the searching in lines and stuff is more of a public embarassment that doesn't need to happen.

If we're truly that worried about terrorists search EVERYONE.

What do you think about Liberals: Is it legitimate to profile Muslims or people from Muslim countries for security reasons?? Answer below!

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