Official account Muhammad. Muhammad Official Trailer (2012): Many believe that a cheaply-made amateur film, called "Innocence of Muslims," caused a violent reaction in Libya, which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The Anti-Islam film is a loose biography of the Prophet Muhammed, focusing on many negative stereotypes about the holy Muslim figure: that he was a philanderer, homosexual, approved of child sexual abuse, and led a minion of goons.The movie caused riots in Cairo and in Libya, where an angry mob blasted rocket-propelled grenades at the US Embassy. It was first reported that the director of the filmis Sam Bacile, an Israeli who madethe moviefor million, raised from 100 Jewish donors. But Israeliofficialsare claiming that there is no record of citizenship for a Sam Bacile. A consultant onthe movie, who met the director once, confirmed that Bacile is not Israeli and that Israel or Terry Jones (a radical Christian pastor who burned the Koran) are not involved. He added that he believes funding came from Syria, Turkey, Pakistan and Egypt. On top of that, CNN says that such an attack would require planning and would not have been successful with just an angry mob.The newsoutlet claims that this is likelythe workof Al Qaeda, which created the video to stir up hate against America and Israel. The movie, "Innocence of Muslims," that mocks and insults the Prophet Muhammad caused demonstrators to attack a US consulate in ...
majordundee Asked: How can Muslims deny a connection with backward Muslim nations and Islam?
-The United Nation’s Human Development Index ranks nations by life expectancy, literacy, education and GDP per capita. The top 50 encompass 700 million in Judao-Christian nations; Muslim nations encompass 5 million people (out of 1.5 billion Muslims). -The UN’s Gender Empowerment Measure ranks nations by women’s equality: Muslim nations rank at the bottom.
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