Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hijab Tips: Muslims protest at Google London HQ


Indo Hijabers

Thousands of Muslims have pledged a series of protests against Google HQ for a "hateful and offensive" anti-Islam video, saying they now live in an "age of mockery".

I Love Hijab

Asked: Why do Indians Muslim speak a different language as compared to Indian Hindus?

In highly-populated Muslim areas, Muslim speak Urdu/Hindustani as compared to regional Indian languages. For example in Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, the Muslims speak Urdu/Hindustani; but other Hindus in Andhra Pradesh speak Telugu. I don't know one Indian Muslim that can speak a regional Indian language, besides maybe Punjabi; and that could be because of its connection with Pakistan.

Best answer about Why do Indians Muslim speak a different language as compared to Indian Hindus?:

Answer by Deadman Walking # 2
because they hate India, I was once checking out a match (IND v PK) at a bar and I realized that a muslim group was cheering for the PK team. Why don't they just leave my country if they don't love it?

Add your own answer about Why do Indians Muslim speak a different language as compared to Indian Hindus? in the comments!

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