Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hijabers: Bosnia - Srebrenica Moslem Refugees July 13, 1995


Indo Hijabers

Bosnian Serb troops took the town of Srebrenica on Tuesday (11/7) shrugging off two strikes on their tanks by NATO aircraft, and driving 30000 mainly Moslem refugees out of the town under the noses of UN peacekeepers charged with protecting them. General Ratko Mladic, the commander of the Bosnian Serb army drove into the Srbrenica enclave as a conqueror on Wednesday to evacuate its Moslem population after screening them for "war criminals". Bosnian Moslem refugees expelled from Srebrenica trekked for two hours in the dark late Wednesday (12/7) to reach the safety of Bosnian government-held territory after Serb buses dumped them about 10 km (six miles) outside the town of Kladanj. The Bosnia government army then transported 1000 of the refugees 40 km north to a vast UN-run air base outside the city of Tuzla in central Bosnia. The United Nations estimated there were 1400 refugees in Tuzla and another 1000 in Kladanj waiting to be moved.


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John Asked: Why does a high population growth rate particularly in Moslem areas pose a problem for the realms in this modu?

Why does a high population growth rate particularly in Moslem areas pose a problem for the realms in this module?

Best answer about Why does a high population growth rate particularly in Moslem areas pose a problem for the realms in this modu?:

Answer by Robert D
Which module?

Lots of babies means lots of demands for food, water and such.

Give your answer to this question below!

Islam: John Lennon - Woman


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The Official video for John Lennon 'Woman' with Yoko Ono


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Aia Asked: Is feminism destroying the romance between men and women?

I think women and men in America are not very romantic. They are taking everything for granted. They take love, sex, children etc for granted, and people are encouraged to "experiment" (be promiscuous) before they marry. Why are people encouraged to have had sex and former girlfriends/boyfriends before they marry? Why does feminism distance itself from everything romantic, like male heroes riding horses and rescuing females?
In my country Hyrule, there are distinct gender roles between men and women, but at the same time there are not. There have been female warriors, explorers and politicians, as well as more traditional wives. But we have never had any need for a thing such as feminism. Women have never been refused to do what they want to do, but most women want to be wives and mothers, and most men have wanted to be the ones who take the more dangerous roles (horse riding, archery, business, sword fighting etc). I never wished to learn sword fighting. Why should women be enforced a masculine tomboy role they don't want?

There are many different ethnic groups in my country.

I think Hylians (the culture I belong to) are the ones with the most differences between men and women. Most Hylian women want it that way, and they would not find it right to reverse the roles. It does not mean that Hylian women are any weaker or less worth than the men.
Sheikahs are more daring. Sheikah women have always been renowned for being strong and independent.

I don't think matriarchy would be a good idea. There is one matriarchal or partly matriarchal ethnic group in my country (the Gerudos), and I don't like their ways. They are famous for being thieves and their society is not very well organized.
I don't know if it is true, but I think men are generally better at organizing a society than women.

Back to the point..... why is feminism important when there are no laws there to stop women to do what they want to? If the majority of women want to obey their husbands and give birth to children, why can't they?

Best answer about Is feminism destroying the romance between men and women?:

Answer by Mr O
feminism destroys individuality, creativity, and equality.

What do you think about Is feminism destroying the romance between men and women?? Answer below!

Hijab Tips: Islamkritik Lügen Islam Moslem Kaaba Satan 666 Mekka Hadsch Mondgott

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Islamkritik Allah Mondgott mondgott-allah moongod Islam Lügen Halbmond Stern Sabäer Kaaba Mekka Hadsch Moslem Prophet Mohammed Religion Muslim Hadithe Imam Moschee Islamisierung Islamkritik "Allah Götze" Hubal Sin Suen Nanna Satan 666


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alex s Asked: Why is it that when I spell Moslem, my spellchecker tells me it is misspelled?

I am 30 years old and when in school learning about the middle east people of Islam were spelled Moslem, not Muslim. Every dictionary I have indicates that Moslem is correctly spelled for followers of Islam. Why the change in spelling?

Best answer about Why is it that when I spell Moslem, my spellchecker tells me it is misspelled?:

Answer by Samantha
it is Muslim.

What do you think about Why is it that when I spell Moslem, my spellchecker tells me it is misspelled?? Answer below!

Hijab Tips: 5 Things I Don't Understand About Women

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Download the DVD! BUY THE DVD! Facebook Twitter Daily vlog


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exotic Asked: Lesbian and Bisexual women :How do I know if another woman is checking me out?

Women are very complicated and this is coming from a woman! I know that women like to see what other women are wearing, or to compare their body to other women. But I can never tell if another girl is checking me out in a sexual way when I get looked at around college or in public, please help?! Men are soooo obvious but women are not.

Best answer about Lesbian and Bisexual women :How do I know if another woman is checking me out?:

Answer by Paramore101
I'm not lez or bi but my cousin is.She said that like if they look at you in like a flirty way or lick there teeth or something they will be hitting on u.

Know better? Leave your own answer about Lesbian and Bisexual women :How do I know if another woman is checking me out? in the comments!

Hijabers: Women Drivers Compilation (

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a bunch of clips put together with some of the worst driving and parking skills


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Anonygrow Asked: Whats the deal with women being treated differently than men?

I can tolerate men and women being treated differently in terms of physical well being or hormonal differences. But it just makes me so mad that women are often put down , while the men are at the same level , but the men try to overstate their superiority .

In terms of IQ , women , at least when I was in school , were either the smartest or average , while men were either the dumbest or average.

And if you would talk to the women , they would be more interested in studying or talking about some trip to another country , while the men would be outside whistling at girls.

The female hormones cause women to be more emotionally clingy than men.
This helps in some very good ways. It helps women develop social skills (like language and art) , helps their moral judgment , and especially can help raise children .

On the other hand , it causes more diverse mood swings , more depression , and can be a bit dangerous in some situations of violence , such as when a mother tries to save her child without strategic planning first.

Male hormones help men in various ways. It helps increase muscular build , increase paternal instincts , etc ( couldn't think of much)

The downside to male hormones , is that men can use up a lot of energy and it will cause them to get drowsy very quickly. The increased muscle build uses more energy , which the brain uses to think faster . Men can become very territorial , and often try to possess things that cannot be possessed (Women is a good example). Their fists think quicker than their brains do sometimes.

There are many words for slandering women , but there are very few for men , even though men tend to be more sexually deviant.
When has anyone ever heard a man being called a "Slut?" , a "Bitch" , a "skank" , "Whore" , "prostitute" , "Twat" , etc?

BTW , I am not a feminist .
I am just some random MAN that believes that women are treated unequally.

Best answer about Whats the deal with women being treated differently than men?:

Answer by Sato™
As a woman, all i can do is deal with it, and prove them wrong. Women have to work harder in this world, but that makes us stronger

What do you think about Whats the deal with women being treated differently than men?? Answer below!

Hijab Tips: Radikaler Moslem wird Christ.


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CBN News recently spoke with one former Muslim who is looking to change that by revealing the politically incorrect truth about the Koran


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Jessica X Asked: Why does my moslem bf have so much guilt issues over having sex with me?

Its sex isn't it? Every time we have make love, after that he will be depressed for 3 to 5 days at stretch. During this period he will not answer my phone calls emails or texts and he will try also to avoid all sorts of contacts. I am asking why? Does it have something to do with him being a Moslem and all?

Best answer about Why does my moslem bf have so much guilt issues over having sex with me?:

Answer by Rev.AGGY™ anti-religious✓
dump the islam

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Hijab Tips: Muslims protest at Google London HQ


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Thousands of Muslims have pledged a series of protests against Google HQ for a "hateful and offensive" anti-Islam video, saying they now live in an "age of mockery".

I Love Hijab

Asked: Why do Indians Muslim speak a different language as compared to Indian Hindus?

In highly-populated Muslim areas, Muslim speak Urdu/Hindustani as compared to regional Indian languages. For example in Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, the Muslims speak Urdu/Hindustani; but other Hindus in Andhra Pradesh speak Telugu. I don't know one Indian Muslim that can speak a regional Indian language, besides maybe Punjabi; and that could be because of its connection with Pakistan.

Best answer about Why do Indians Muslim speak a different language as compared to Indian Hindus?:

Answer by Deadman Walking # 2
because they hate India, I was once checking out a match (IND v PK) at a bar and I realized that a muslim group was cheering for the PK team. Why don't they just leave my country if they don't love it?

Add your own answer about Why do Indians Muslim speak a different language as compared to Indian Hindus? in the comments!

Islam: Jilbab gaya kepang / Braid Hijab Style


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This is the first time I made video... Looks very dark LOL... will try to be better for the next videos... This is inspired by Sister Ameena from I made this in Bahasa Indonesia, since there are so many Hijab tutorial in English but not so many in our language.


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Asked: Is it Haram to wear shorts under a Jilbab?

Salaam. I wear a jilbab and I was wondering if it's ok for me to wear revealing clothes on very hot days under my jilbab. Also can a Muslim woman wear shorts and a tank top to an all women's gym? Please No racist answers and serious answers ONLY! Jazakallah. x

Best answer about Is it Haram to wear shorts under a Jilbab?:

Answer by Ayubowan

Know better? Leave your own answer about Is it Haram to wear shorts under a Jilbab? in the comments!

Islam: FULL HD - Muhammad Movie Trailer - Innocence Of Muslims - فضيحة الاسلام الكبري

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Official account Muhammad. Muhammad Official Trailer (2012): Many believe that a cheaply-made amateur film, called "Innocence of Muslims," caused a violent reaction in Libya, which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The Anti-Islam film is a loose biography of the Prophet Muhammed, focusing on many negative stereotypes about the holy Muslim figure: that he was a philanderer, homosexual, approved of child sexual abuse, and led a minion of goons.The movie caused riots in Cairo and in Libya, where an angry mob blasted rocket-propelled grenades at the US Embassy. It was first reported that the director of the filmis Sam Bacile, an Israeli who madethe moviefor million, raised from 100 Jewish donors. But Israeliofficialsare claiming that there is no record of citizenship for a Sam Bacile. A consultant onthe movie, who met the director once, confirmed that Bacile is not Israeli and that Israel or Terry Jones (a radical Christian pastor who burned the Koran) are not involved. He added that he believes funding came from Syria, Turkey, Pakistan and Egypt. On top of that, CNN says that such an attack would require planning and would not have been successful with just an angry mob.The newsoutlet claims that this is likelythe workof Al Qaeda, which created the video to stir up hate against America and Israel. The movie, "Innocence of Muslims," that mocks and insults the Prophet Muhammad caused demonstrators to attack a US consulate in ...

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majordundee Asked: How can Muslims deny a connection with backward Muslim nations and Islam?

-The United Nation’s Human Development Index ranks nations by life expectancy, literacy, education and GDP per capita. The top 50 encompass 700 million in Judao-Christian nations; Muslim nations encompass 5 million people (out of 1.5 billion Muslims).
-The UN’s Gender Empowerment Measure ranks nations by women’s equality: Muslim nations rank at the bottom.

Best answer about How can Muslims deny a connection with backward Muslim nations and Islam?:

Answer by Noor
Not me =)

Add your own answer about How can Muslims deny a connection with backward Muslim nations and Islam? in the comments!

Hijabers: This Is My Hijab

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أحمد بوخاطرهذا هو حجابي Ahmad Bukhatir. This Is My Hijab. A Beauiful Nasheed and pictures Please watch in "HQ" Lyrics of Nasheed This my hijaab,I will never remove hijaab is my pride, it makes my soul improve it is Allahs law, how can i oppose hijaab is my way, the way that Allah chose hijaab is my way, the way that Allah chose people didnt approve for what i had to say covering my self will hide my charm away; confused was my mind in what i shouldnt do.. i have been so sad, my feeling never went through; my heart got that peace, the peace that showed me light the light of my hijaab which made my spirit bright; without my hijaab, i feel insecure deep within my soul, i feel peace and pure This my hijaab,I will never remove hijaab is my pride, it makes my soul improve it is Allahs law, how can i oppose hijaab is my way, the way that Allah chose hijaab is my way, the way that Allah chose oh my dearest sisters, hijaab is the cure wisdom lies beneath it, i know thats for sure gift yourself with guidance and never regret accepting it would be getting all respect; all around is evil that wants to prevail sticking to Islam we wont let good fail; lets embrace hijaab and await our reward.. it is for Allah, the one and only lord


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Miss Josephine Asked: How are women who wear the hijab viewed in Turkey?

How does Turkey/Turkish people generally view women who wear the hijab? What is their attitude towards it? I'm just curious because the hijab is banned in Turkish schools and universities. Thank you.

Best answer about How are women who wear the hijab viewed in Turkey?:

Answer by Izzet M
They are viewed like everybody else. It is those people who frown upon them are narrow-minded. I guess they are afraid of an Islamic revolution which is going to be made in their small minds by those students. In addition the ban the universities conduct is against the constitution yet they achieve to implement their own rules.

What do you think about How are women who wear the hijab viewed in Turkey?? Answer below!

Women: Wear Hijab with style

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Hijab, Islam, Women, clothes


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Asked: How would a Muslim woman wearing a hijab affect her ability to get a good job?

Such as in the office, hospital, etc. And hijab as in just the hair covering, not the full veil.

Best answer about How would a Muslim woman wearing a hijab affect her ability to get a good job?:

Answer by Bobily Joeily
Because it makes it look like she enjoys the idea of being inferior to men, and therefore be a useless coworker.

Give your answer to this question below!

Islam: Egypt Call to Prayer


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Call to Prayer from our hotel room in Giza. You can see the pyramids in the distance.


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Lion Asked: What does the image of a Moslem Mosque symbolize? Or what is the metaphorical meaning of a Mosque?

In dream work, dream images are symbols with a referent meaning. For example, the dream image of a "tree" symbolized "the Self." I dreamed of a Moslem Mosque, but am unable to find in any dream dictionaries a meaning for the image. I suspect that Moslems know the symbolism of their temples, and would like help understanding the image.

Best answer about What does the image of a Moslem Mosque symbolize? Or what is the metaphorical meaning of a Mosque?:

Answer by hayk s
dream images are symbols, yes!But very personal
same dream can interpreted differently for different people

Add your own answer about What does the image of a Moslem Mosque symbolize? Or what is the metaphorical meaning of a Mosque? in the comments!

Hijab Tips: Dear Woman


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Based on the "Manifesto for Conscious Men," a collectively-written document from a number of men who feel deep appreciation for the gifts of the feminine as a balance to those of the masculine. This document acknowledges many thousands of years of dominance of masculine power, and offers an apology for the suppression of women, in the spirit of a fresh start. The authors do not advocate the domination of men by women or feminine energy, but feel that a balance and equal respect for both energies will allow for a new wave of evolution on our planet. PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING: We have received thousands of comments, and while many of them are positive, many others are highly abusive or offensive. We are happy to welcome all points of view, but not expressions of violence or hatred. If you have feedback or would like to offer your thoughts and opinions, we encourage you to do so. WE WILL NOT PUBLISH FOUL LANGUAGE, HATE SPEECH, THREATS, OR SLURS. It is completely possible to have a civil discourse of contrary opinions without resorting to aspersion or insult. We welcome debate, not hate.


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hopscotch Asked: What motivations do women have to critique feminism?

Men are doing it because they "hate women" according to the local feminists here, so I was just wondering why some women do it and say some of the same things we do.

There are many women that critique feminism and some of them are gaining popularity and exposure. Among them are Christina Hoff Summers, Carrie Lukas, and Wendy McElroy.

When you read the works of the afore mentioned women you get a sense that they are truly interested in equality and the organizations they represent are indeed egalitarian movements.

Some women here deny that feminism has the capability to be anything other than a wondrous "happy place."

So men critique feminism because they hate women apparently. Do women also hate women when they critique feminism?

Best answer about What motivations do women have to critique feminism?:

Answer by Voice of Reality
Certainly hating women can't be the reason for critiquing feminism. Seeing that most women hate women more than just about any man could ever hate them. I think we'd see WAY more women critiquing it if that were the cause.

The only reason women would have to critique it is morality. That is all. Feminism, at this point, is simply gaining more and more special treatment/privileges for women. So, it only helps them. Why would anyone even think about going against their own special privileges? Well, morality remains as the only reason left. Let's see just how much they have...

Numerous fems claim that, "Well I'm a feminist and I just want equality not special rights and privileges." Expecting that to make everything okay. The reality is: If you are part of a group/movement/organization/whatever that is doing harm to society.... You are part of the cause, not the solution. Regardless of if you agree with what the group is doing, you are still partaking in it by not criticizing it.


Georgebonbon: You have a point. But, feminism is not actually preventing anyone from getting married. Women have all the power once you get married, so odds are the guy isn't going to initiate a divorce. Especially if she's a good wife. But, also, having the makings of a good wife coincides with having morals.

What do you think about What motivations do women have to critique feminism?? Answer below!

Women: The Doors - LA Woman Official Video HQ

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Plz,RATE,COMMENT,SUBSCRIBE,thx! Official hq Video ,LAWoman by The Doors *Disclaimer: I do not own any clips or music. All clips and music belong to their respectfull owners. I do not earn any money with this video. This video is for enjoyment purposes only.


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Capri456 Asked: Why do women get jealous of other women who receive gifts from a male?

At work, some women are friendly with me, but when I decide to give a gift, or candy like for valentine's Day to a certain woman out of kindness, other women get very jealous, And these women are already married, or have boyfriends? Is there something wrong with these women relationships? Do I show a trait that their lovers don't show. Once a woman manipulated me to give her flowers for her birthday, and she's already married too. What's up? Please give me some advice about these kind of women. Thanks!

Best answer about Why do women get jealous of other women who receive gifts from a male?:

Answer by Master of Hi Def
That's so easy. They hate the fact that their guys can't do the same thing.

What do you think about Why do women get jealous of other women who receive gifts from a male?? Answer below!

Women: How To Attract Women - Why Being "Too Nice" Kills Attraction

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Click here to get my "Nerve Stop" Technique and to get onto my insider AUTHENTIC GAME newsletter. Many people think attracting women works by showing women you're attracted to them by doing nice things for them and women will just feel attraction back. Other people say that to attract women you need to be a jerk or bad boy because that is the real way to attract women. But nobody seems to talk about the powerful social mechanism that's causing a lot of men who try the "nice guy" way to attract a girl by being a super nice guy to end up lonely and wondering why (despite all their obvious efforts to show why they are the best man for the girl they like) the girl just doesn't seem to "feel any attraction". And a lot of guys who go with the "bad boy" approach to attract women end up alienating the women they want to attract the most. In this video Stephan Erdman from is explaining the real underlying reason why being overly nice to a girl you're attracted to in will often destroy attraction that might well have developed if you hadn't made any extra effort or bought her those flowers or took her out to fancy places or called her 5 times a day or all the other things men often do to show a girl they "like" her... Being a "jerk" (whatever that's meant to be) is certainly not the answer..but in the video Stephan gives several precise tips to avoid ever making the crucial mistake of putting reciprocation pressure on a woman so that she can ...


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AUSTIN GARCIA Asked: WoMeN......................................................?

if i took your shoe off smelled it and licked your toes what would you do

Best answer about WoMeN......................................................?:

Answer by Marissa
smack you.

Know better? Leave your own answer about WoMeN......................................................? in the comments!

Hijabers: Baek Ji Young - That Woman [Eng. Sub]


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Song: That Woman Singer: Baek ji Young Album: Secret Graden OST I am watching this drama.. since Dr. Champ's ending is near, I decided to watch this drama next.. and is not disappointed.. what a lovely and cute drama.. Hyun Bin is really really funny here.. hilarious.. I am a big fan of Ha Ji Won, so she's a big factor as to why i am watching this drama right now.. and telling you, it's a must watch.. hoping that it has a good run as it go along.. and does not disappoint till the end.. Anyways, I am not really fond of this song, i thought it is too slow.. but i just decided to sub it.. it has a good meaning though.. Ifyou want to download this or other songs and videos I subbed go to my blog: :] you can also download albums from Korean, Japanese, Filipino, & Americans songs... I also started a twitter, If you want to talk or something.. :]


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Jonathan L Asked: WOMEn?!!?!?

why are u so concerned with being fat im a guy and want to gain weight but plz why i must know why that is ur biggest concern in life(i know u may think its ugly) but women that are 135lbs. 5"8 are not fat
guys wanna gain muscle weight not fat weight thats the kinda weight they mean and why ant girls that say this kinda crap answer my questions

Best answer about WOMEn?!!?!?:

Answer by Maria S
I agree with your last statement

Add your own answer about WOMEn?!!?!? in the comments!

Hijabers: 'Anti-Islam film a pretext, US ambassador killing shows Libya intervention fail'


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Washington has condemned the killing of its ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other officials - who died when an armed mob attacked the US consulate in the city of Benghazi. The bloodshed followed protests over an American film which has been described as an insult to Islam. It's the first time a US ambassador has been killed while in post since 1979. RT's Gayane Chichakyan has the latest. Also, RT talks to Lindsay German - from the British Stop the War Coalition. Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.


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**MisSaRah** Asked: How did Islam do from being a reform movement to its own religion?

How did Islam do from being a reform movement to its own religion?
Islam emerged as a reform movement of the Judeo-Christian traditions, to a full separate faith? How did Islam change through this process?
What i mean by reform is that when Muhammad came down he came down to change people's ways.

Best answer about How did Islam do from being a reform movement to its own religion?:

Answer by Sky Is The Limit.
Islam is from Beginning of Man kind.Not from Last revelation of Quran. And for your info.. Muhammad didn't "come down". Revelation came to his in assassin of 23 years.

ISLAM originates from Adam who was the prophet of God. The last and final Messenger of God is Mohammad to whom was Qur'an Reviled .

The most important belief in Islam: There is only One God.

This God in Islam, has no sons, daughters and partners. He is unique.

"Say, 'He is Allah, the One;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begets not, and neither is He begotten;
And there is nothing that can be compared to Him."
Qur'an 112:1-4
He does not look like human and has never been seen before.
He created everyone to worship Him and with that to test them who will enter in Ever Lasting Paridise.
The history of Islam is that God revealed messengers such as Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Jesus etc. These prophets taught mankind that ' There is only one God'

Islam is spread all over the WORLD. The largest muslims country is Indonesia. However, Islam is also major in arabic countries and also now in the west. Majority of Muslims (80%) are not Arabic. Pope John Paul II admonished Catholics that Islam should be respected as a major world religion.

Muslims believe an after life and that this life is an test to see who believes in the ONE GOD.
Yes, God always sent people when guidance was needed the most.
When Paul started teaching fabricated doctrines, guidance was needed.

So Allah (swt) sent Muhammad(saw) to guide people to the truth.
Islam has not changed since it was completed with Muhammad(saw).
Our guidance now is the unchanged Qur'an, and example of the prophet.

Btw, no Islam always existed, even before Christianity.
It started with Adam(pbuh) and ended with Muhammad(saw).
Christianity came after, it started after Jesus(pbuh).

Despite all the attempts to give it the label of notorious which in some cases have succeeded people know it is actually a good religion and not of terrorrism. keep in mind more muslims are killed everyday by terrorist than people died in 9/11 in countries such as pakistan. Look at tony blair's sister in law, mohammed ali, mike tyson, malcom x , cat stevens, they aren't terrorists. Its probably the disclipined way of life, the belief in one god and the fact it has no contradictions in the Holy Book instead it has many scientific discoveries which have only been come accross by scientest recently e.g. development of human embryo, shape of earth, diseases and cures etc

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Islam: What's Islam? Islam in Brief - Yusuf Estes


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What's Islam? Islam in Brief - Yusuf Estes Introduction to Islam. Courtesy of Yusuf Estes was born in the mid-west United States 1944 to a religious Christian family. They to Houston, Texas in 1949 where he grew in the Disciples of Christ and was baptized into the church in 1956. Over the years he completed his studies in music and became a music teacher, well known entertainer and businessman and finally a music minister calling people to the Lord with his music and Bible. During his business career he built up a chain of music stores and even had his own television series called the "Estes Music Jamboree". He and his father owned businesses and worked together in spreading religion and politics, all at the same time. They both served together on the Texas Governor's Conference for Business Leaders during the early 1980's. Sheik Yusuf also owned expensive homes, cars and boats and at one point he even owned airplanes and had become a dealer for Cessna Aircraft. Although he had great wealth, Sheik Yusuf continued to seek the Lord while calling people to Jesus and Christian salvation. His first encounter with a Muslim occurred in 1991 when his father introduced him to a man from Egypt. When he discovered the man was a Muslim he began immediately trying to convert him to Jesus and join the church. However, the Muslim brought about a new understanding about the world's fastest growing religion and a real awakening to true Islam. While trying to convert the ...


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GOD is Logic Asked: Why do you think Islam needs to adapt to the 21st century?

If Islam is the true religion, then it doesn't need to adapt to the world. Islam is the same as it was in the 600s, unlike Christianity. Islam is the fastest growing religion, more people convert to Islam than any other religion.

Why do you think it should adapt? Islam is fine the way it is and if it weren't for the political mess in the Middle East (and the West splitting up the Middle East into small countries after WW2), the Islamic World would be one of the most advanced places on Earth.

Best answer about Why do you think Islam needs to adapt to the 21st century?:

Answer by Jackal
Is that so? Oh my! Oh my!

Give your answer to this question below!

Islam: Every Moslem should watch this.flv

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John K Asked: Do Moslem people tend to have sex with each other in western societies?

Given religion doesnt make much of a difference, is there a sexual attraction between Moslems? As in would a Moslem woman rather be with a Moslem man - married or not.

Best answer about Do Moslem people tend to have sex with each other in western societies?:

Answer by *Peace.Love.Jonas*
Its Muslim.

( ~ 8*

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Hijabers: The Doors - LA Woman


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"LA Woman" is a song by American rock band The Doors. The song is the title track on their 1971 album LA Woman, the final album with frontman Jim Morrison before his death. In the song's coda, Morrison repeats the phrase "Mr. Mojo risin'", which is an anagram of "Jim Morrison". The song was recorded at The Doors Workshop on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, between December 1970 and January 1971. "LA Woman (Paul Oakenfold Remix)" featured in episode #1.02 of "Californication".


I Love Hijab

Asked: WOMEN.......___????______?

OK.this has been bugging me forever.So id like honest answers please.have you ever met a man that when inlove only fantasizes about the women he is inlove with ???

Best answer about WOMEN.......___????______?:

Answer by Brocco.B
Well you can't know for sure unless you're a man I guess. My boyfriend says he fantasizes about me all the time, he never mentions thinking about anyone else, but then again what would he get out of mentioning that? My guess would be that most men fantasize about whatever they want to, I'm like that. Usually I just fantasize about my boyfriend, but if I do think about someone else then it's nothing I worry about. Even men in love can have wandering minds! :)

Give your answer to this question below!

Islam: A Stupid Movie Not Worthy of Global Turmoil


Indo Hijabers

MESSAGE FROM UPLOADER: my reason for reposting this video was based on reports from US Media that Americans were killed over it. New information has come to light that shows these reports were FALSE. My reason for reposting is therefore no longer valid. I have disabled the comments because there was nothing new being said, and I cannot in good conscience allow all the hate and racism to continue here. The original post of this video is from :


I Love Hijab

Emily B Asked: Islam???????

why is friday special to islam? what type of literature does the qur'an contain? Also wot is the qur'an used for?

Best answer about Islam???????:

Answer by Saddam
the QOR'AN is recited in prayers
sura #62
[9] O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salât (prayer) on the day of Friday (Jumu'ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allâh (Jumu'ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salât (prayer)) and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!
[10] Then when the (Jumu'ah) Salât (prayer) is ended, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allâh (by working, etc.), and remember Allâh much: that you may be successful.
[11] And when they see some merchandise or some amusement (beating of Tambur (drum) etc.) they disperse headlong to it, and leave you (Muhammad (peace be upon him)) standing (while delivering Jumu'ah's religious talk (Khutbah)) Say: "That which Allâh has is better than any amusement or merchandise! And Allâh is the Best of providers."

ADAM was created on a Friday

Know better? Leave your own answer about Islam??????? in the comments!

Hijabers:Hijab tutorial #5 - Square Scarf (3 Styles) / jilbab.wmv

Women Music by Depapepe.. love depapepe music so much.. :)


ProtectoroftheSunnah Asked: Ramadan: Is jilbab or abaya Wajib or a must for muslim women?

Salam wa alaikum,

I hear many people say that Jilbab is wajib for women. A woman has to wear a jilbab. Jilbabs are expensive. I only have 3 abayas. One of them is plain while the other ones are decorative. I really want more abayas though.

Please, explain if jilbab or abaya is a must for muslim women.

How many abayas or jilbabs do you have in your closet?

Best answer about Ramadan: Is jilbab or abaya Wajib or a must for muslim women?:

Answer by Maryam
we should dress appropriate but we dont have to wear jilbab

Add your own answer about Ramadan: Is jilbab or abaya Wajib or a must for muslim women? in the comments!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Islam: A word to rioting Muslims


Indo Hijabers

We don't care if you're offended, and we never will. Get used to it. US warns citizens not to travel to Pakistan Al-Qaeda threatens attacks on US diplomats US ambassador and three staff killed in film protest Fatwa issued against "Innocence of Muslims" film producer Turkish PM thinks Islamophobia is a crime against humanity Pakistan calls in the army to control riot at US embassy Pakistan declares holiday in response to prophet film You can download an audio version of this video at Subscribe via iTunes at BOOK OF VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS AVAILABLE ALSO AVAILABLE ON AMAZON KINDLE AND IN iBOOKS Follow me on Twitter Website

I Love Hijab

J P Asked: Liberals: Is it legitimate to profile Muslims or people from Muslim countries for security reasons?

The vast majority of Muslims in the world are not terrorists. However, most terrorism in the recent past is attributable to Muslims. Is it fair to profile and subject Muslims or people from Muslim countries to greater security precautions based on this fact? Why or why not? I am especially interested in the viewpoints of Liberals on this issue. Thank you.

Best answer about Liberals: Is it legitimate to profile Muslims or people from Muslim countries for security reasons?:

Answer by Phil M
I wouldn't be against looking into their travel logs/records and background. But the searching in lines and stuff is more of a public embarassment that doesn't need to happen.

If we're truly that worried about terrorists search EVERYONE.

What do you think about Liberals: Is it legitimate to profile Muslims or people from Muslim countries for security reasons?? Answer below!