Saturday, February 18, 2012

Women: Ein junger Moslem erteilt den Amerikanern eine Lehre(Classroom Debate between a Muslim and American)

Hijab Tips

Indo Hijabers

Ein junger Moslem gibt erteilt den Amerikanern eine Lehre jihad moslem, terroristen, taliban, islam, gewalt Muslime intergration Classroom Debate between a Muslim and American...kurbaan film 11 september 11/09 09/11 taliban afghanistan bin ladin terrorism al qaida


I Love Hijab

Shewit D Asked: What is the primary difference between Moslem, Protestant, and Jewish fundamentalism?

What is the primary difference between Moslem, Protestant, and Jewish fundamentalism? How does politics become avodah, an act of worship, among fundamentalists within each of these groups?

Best answer about What is the primary difference between Moslem, Protestant, and Jewish fundamentalism?:

Answer by Mithra
Muslim fundamentalists believe the literal word of the Qur'an
Protestant fundamentalists believe the literal word of the Bible.
Jewish fundamentalists believe the literal word of the Tanakh.

Know better? Leave your own answer about What is the primary difference between Moslem, Protestant, and Jewish fundamentalism? in the comments!

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