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Sunday, October 14, 2012
Hijabers: Bosnia - Srebrenica Moslem Refugees July 13, 1995
Indo Hijabers
Bosnian Serb troops took the town of Srebrenica on Tuesday (11/7) shrugging off two strikes on their tanks by NATO aircraft, and driving 30000 mainly Moslem refugees out of the town under the noses of UN peacekeepers charged with protecting them. General Ratko Mladic, the commander of the Bosnian Serb army drove into the Srbrenica enclave as a conqueror on Wednesday to evacuate its Moslem population after screening them for "war criminals". Bosnian Moslem refugees expelled from Srebrenica trekked for two hours in the dark late Wednesday (12/7) to reach the safety of Bosnian government-held territory after Serb buses dumped them about 10 km (six miles) outside the town of Kladanj. The Bosnia government army then transported 1000 of the refugees 40 km north to a vast UN-run air base outside the city of Tuzla in central Bosnia. The United Nations estimated there were 1400 refugees in Tuzla and another 1000 in Kladanj waiting to be moved.
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John Asked: Why does a high population growth rate particularly in Moslem areas pose a problem for the realms in this modu?
Why does a high population growth rate particularly in Moslem areas pose a problem for the realms in this module?
Best answer about Why does a high population growth rate particularly in Moslem areas pose a problem for the realms in this modu?:
Answer by Robert D
Which module?
Lots of babies means lots of demands for food, water and such.
Give your answer to this question below!
Islam: John Lennon - Woman
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Aia Asked: Is feminism destroying the romance between men and women?
I think women and men in America are not very romantic. They are taking everything for granted. They take love, sex, children etc for granted, and people are encouraged to "experiment" (be promiscuous) before they marry. Why are people encouraged to have had sex and former girlfriends/boyfriends before they marry? Why does feminism distance itself from everything romantic, like male heroes riding horses and rescuing females?
In my country Hyrule, there are distinct gender roles between men and women, but at the same time there are not. There have been female warriors, explorers and politicians, as well as more traditional wives. But we have never had any need for a thing such as feminism. Women have never been refused to do what they want to do, but most women want to be wives and mothers, and most men have wanted to be the ones who take the more dangerous roles (horse riding, archery, business, sword fighting etc). I never wished to learn sword fighting. Why should women be enforced a masculine tomboy role they don't want?
There are many different ethnic groups in my country.
I think Hylians (the culture I belong to) are the ones with the most differences between men and women. Most Hylian women want it that way, and they would not find it right to reverse the roles. It does not mean that Hylian women are any weaker or less worth than the men.
Sheikahs are more daring. Sheikah women have always been renowned for being strong and independent.
I don't think matriarchy would be a good idea. There is one matriarchal or partly matriarchal ethnic group in my country (the Gerudos), and I don't like their ways. They are famous for being thieves and their society is not very well organized.
I don't know if it is true, but I think men are generally better at organizing a society than women.
Back to the point..... why is feminism important when there are no laws there to stop women to do what they want to? If the majority of women want to obey their husbands and give birth to children, why can't they?
Best answer about Is feminism destroying the romance between men and women?:
Answer by Mr O
feminism destroys individuality, creativity, and equality.
What do you think about Is feminism destroying the romance between men and women?? Answer below!
Hijab Tips: Islamkritik Lügen Islam Moslem Kaaba Satan 666 Mekka Hadsch Mondgott
Indo Hijabers
Islamkritik Allah Mondgott mondgott-allah moongod Islam Lügen Halbmond Stern Sabäer Kaaba Mekka Hadsch Moslem Prophet Mohammed Religion Muslim Hadithe Imam Moschee Islamisierung Islamkritik "Allah Götze" Hubal Sin Suen Nanna Satan 666
I Love Hijab
alex s Asked: Why is it that when I spell Moslem, my spellchecker tells me it is misspelled?
I am 30 years old and when in school learning about the middle east people of Islam were spelled Moslem, not Muslim. Every dictionary I have indicates that Moslem is correctly spelled for followers of Islam. Why the change in spelling?
Best answer about Why is it that when I spell Moslem, my spellchecker tells me it is misspelled?:
Answer by Samantha
it is Muslim.
What do you think about Why is it that when I spell Moslem, my spellchecker tells me it is misspelled?? Answer below!
Hijab Tips: 5 Things I Don't Understand About Women
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Download the DVD! store.payloadz.com BUY THE DVD! hotdamnirockdvd.weebly.com Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter twitter.com Daily vlog www.youtube.com
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exotic Asked: Lesbian and Bisexual women :How do I know if another woman is checking me out?
Women are very complicated and this is coming from a woman! I know that women like to see what other women are wearing, or to compare their body to other women. But I can never tell if another girl is checking me out in a sexual way when I get looked at around college or in public, please help?! Men are soooo obvious but women are not.
Best answer about Lesbian and Bisexual women :How do I know if another woman is checking me out?:
Answer by Paramore101
I'm not lez or bi but my cousin is.She said that like if they look at you in like a flirty way or lick there teeth or something they will be hitting on u.
Know better? Leave your own answer about Lesbian and Bisexual women :How do I know if another woman is checking me out? in the comments!
Hijabers: Women Drivers Compilation (
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a bunch of clips put together with some of the worst driving and parking skills
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Anonygrow Asked: Whats the deal with women being treated differently than men?
I can tolerate men and women being treated differently in terms of physical well being or hormonal differences. But it just makes me so mad that women are often put down , while the men are at the same level , but the men try to overstate their superiority .
In terms of IQ , women , at least when I was in school , were either the smartest or average , while men were either the dumbest or average.
And if you would talk to the women , they would be more interested in studying or talking about some trip to another country , while the men would be outside whistling at girls.
The female hormones cause women to be more emotionally clingy than men.
This helps in some very good ways. It helps women develop social skills (like language and art) , helps their moral judgment , and especially can help raise children .
On the other hand , it causes more diverse mood swings , more depression , and can be a bit dangerous in some situations of violence , such as when a mother tries to save her child without strategic planning first.
Male hormones help men in various ways. It helps increase muscular build , increase paternal instincts , etc ( couldn't think of much)
The downside to male hormones , is that men can use up a lot of energy and it will cause them to get drowsy very quickly. The increased muscle build uses more energy , which the brain uses to think faster . Men can become very territorial , and often try to possess things that cannot be possessed (Women is a good example). Their fists think quicker than their brains do sometimes.
There are many words for slandering women , but there are very few for men , even though men tend to be more sexually deviant.
When has anyone ever heard a man being called a "Slut?" , a "Bitch" , a "skank" , "Whore" , "prostitute" , "Twat" , etc?
BTW , I am not a feminist .
I am just some random MAN that believes that women are treated unequally.
Best answer about Whats the deal with women being treated differently than men?:
Answer by Sato™
As a woman, all i can do is deal with it, and prove them wrong. Women have to work harder in this world, but that makes us stronger
What do you think about Whats the deal with women being treated differently than men?? Answer below!
Hijab Tips: Radikaler Moslem wird Christ.
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CBN News recently spoke with one former Muslim who is looking to change that by revealing the politically incorrect truth about the Koran
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Jessica X Asked: Why does my moslem bf have so much guilt issues over having sex with me?
Its sex isn't it? Every time we have make love, after that he will be depressed for 3 to 5 days at stretch. During this period he will not answer my phone calls emails or texts and he will try also to avoid all sorts of contacts. I am asking why? Does it have something to do with him being a Moslem and all?
Best answer about Why does my moslem bf have so much guilt issues over having sex with me?:
Answer by Rev.AGGY™ anti-religious✓
dump the islam